Influence Index 2020: Top influential MEPs on EU external policies
VoteWatch Europe hat ein Ranking der fünf einflussreichsten Europa-Abgeordneten in außenpolitischen Themen erstellt. Bernd Lange wird als dritt einflussreichster Abgeordneter eingestuft.
"German Bernd Lange is the third most politically influential MEP on foreign affairs, especially on international trade and energy issues.
Currently serving his fifth EP term, Lange first joined the European Parliament in 1994. The German MEP leads the INTA committee and is one of the vice-chairs of the S&D group. Lange is known for having drafted the EP resolution on TTIP, which raised many tensions in the institution at the time, and recently drafted a less controversial report on the EU partnership agreement with the Solomon Islands. Lange first joined the European Parliament in 1994."